Thank you for helping us grow.
We work hard to provide consistent, reliable service. Our core router and switching technology have been exceptional. Our total (unplanned plus planned) downtime over the last three years is less than 20 minutes. Our end customer experience is limited by KPUD’s network. KPUD is subject to forces of nature disturbing your network connection and their overall system architecture.
Net253 has worked with KPUD for years to get improved redundancy and resiliency into the county network. These efforts improve service for all customers and all ISPs on the KPUD network. KPUD now has automatic fault recovery in the county for the main distribution. This allows their network to reconfigure itself in under twenty seconds when a major event happens such as a chain saw through the line, copper thief cutting the KPUD fiber, fire burning the fiber, squirrels chewing through fiber. Previously this would take physical repair before services restored.
A major investment we made was a redundant set of interconnections from the county to our core switching and routing vault. We ran miles of mainline fiber to make this possible at a total project expense of $45,000. This is for something we do not use on a daily basis. We didn’t have to do this to provide you service; we did this to be the best provider on the network. This makes us “backhoe/chainsaw/tree fall” proof. It is not possible to take down Net253 with a single break in the KPUD network except for a short 1,000 foot segment along a major road (not telling where it is!). We are investing in remediating that last segment.
Our primary metric of how we are doing is market share. Three years ago Net253 had 45.12% of the KPUD residential subscriber base. As of the latest build in Hintzville (Phase 3) we are now at 48.09% It is hard to move this needle when the number of homes is over 2,000; three percentage points is a big deal considering there are five service providers on the network.
We will continue to invest, improve and be here to serve only Kitsap County. Our goal is to provide you the best internet experience in the country right here in rural Kitsap county.